Category Articles

What To Expect From A Weight Loss Program

It is difficult to define a weight loss program because there are so many different programs to choose from. Not everybody is the same and there is not a person that has the same metabolism, body structure and physique. If…

Weight Loss Is More Than Dieting

Do you know why most weight loss programs don’t work? Do you know why most dieters actually end up gaining weight over time? The reason is not that the programs or the diets are bad, or that there’s no way they can…

The Weight Loss “Formula”

This is going to upset you, so be prepared for it. Weight loss has always been summed up in a simple statement: Eat less, move more. Go ahead, be mad if you want to. Maybe you want to protest that it…

The Downside of Weight Loss Surgery

Weight loss surgery seems like a silver bullet. A little snip here, a little cut there, and viola! No more size 57 pants. Well, if it seems too good to be true, it probably is. Surgery can help some people,…

Suggestions for Weight Loss

Increase your exercise. If you haven’t worked in the gym for a longer period of time, try to exercise daily and intensify your power to stay fit or achieve your ideal weight. The exercises not only will burn down the…

Slow Down!

Have you ever seen hyenas eat? Let me tell you, it’s a frenzy. Overweight people tend to be the human eqivalent. These folks can chow down. What they don’t know, is that their eating speed might be a big contributor to…

Mastering Yourself

By now, I hope you realize that your Get Thin For Life™ System is more than a “diet”. At the core of the system is a simple, but sometimes tremendously difficult task. You have to master yourself. Overeating is a…

Lose Weight Eating Cookies

It’s a myth that you can’t eat anything you want and still lose weight. You can eat anything you want. You simply can’t eat too much of it. Do you want a piece of pizza? Have one. Don’t eat a large with…

Killing Cravings

You’re at the office, or out with friends. That friend of yours–you know, the one who looks like a stick without even trying–has just settled down to a slab of cheesecake. Odds are good you look at that cheesecake like…

Just Say No To Soda

The typical soft drink can has 150 calories worth of soda in it. Most people drink at least one per day, if not two or three. The math isn’t hard. If you drink two cans of soda per day, that’s…