Get Thin For Life System Affiliate Page

“HURRY! Time Is Running Out On Your Chance To Make A HUGE 65% Commission On The New And Unique Get Thin For Life™ System”

After 30 days, the commission will go down to 50%. It’s completely free to join the program, and you can be set up in minutes. All I ask is one important favor…

Let me know how successful you are!

Sign up for the program, and promote the product to your list. Then send me an email at to let me know how much money you’re raking in, and how fast.

A simple email recommending the product to your list only takes a few minutes to write. Then you can sit back and collect a a whopping 65% on every $57 sale. That’s about $37 for almost NO WORK. Sell 5 copies and make $185, sell 10 and make over $350, sell…well, you can do the math.

But what are you going to be recommending? I’m biased, of course, but I think you’re going to be recommending the best practical, honest weight loss system available online. Here’s what’s included in the core 5-eBook package:

  • Get Thin For Life Fit BundleHow To Lose 10 Pounds Quickly And Safely. An effective short-term strategy for dropping weight fast…just don’t over use it.
  • Weight Loss Starts Between Your Ears This is the lesson I bet nobody ever taught you, and it’s holding you back big-time.
  • The ONLY Diet That Has Ever Worked. This medically smart, scientifically proven “diet” is the only one you’ll ever need.
  • Real Exercise For Real People. One simple activity, 30 minutes per day, 3-5 days per week…and probably not even $75 for “equipment”. Who has time to spend 5 hours a day at the gym?
  • Your Psychological Weight Loss Secret Weapon. A simple technique to break through your weight loss barriers, even if you’ve failed before.

This system is simple, practical, honest (sometimes refreshingly blunt) and best of all, effective. I proved on myself.

It’s something you’ll be proud to recommend. Joining the affiliate program with ClickBank is simple and FREE. It takes only minutes, and you’ll get commissions checks twice a month.

Here’s all you have to do:

  1. Step 1: Click this link to go to my affiliate sign-up page.
  2. Step 2: If you don’t already have a ClickBank nickname, click the sign-up link to sign up for one. It’s quick, easy and free. You can’t get commissions without it.
  3. Step 3: If you already have a ClickBank nickname, enter it here to get the HTML you need to include on your web page (or in your emails or newsletters) to get credit for your commissions!

Your personalized link should look like this on your pages (or in your emails, or in your newsletter), except you should replace “xxxxx” with your ClickBank nickname:

The HTML for that link should look like this:

<a href= target=_top>Click Here!</a>

Once you’ve got that set up, you’re ready to make commissions 24/7. Just send an email to your list directing them to You might try something like this:

Hi, {firstname}!

Does losing weight feel impossible? Have you lost weight before, only to put it back on within a year?

Most people struggle with both. But a colleague of mine, Dr. Alan Jenks, has finally solved the mystery.

He knows the ONE way to lose weight and keep it off forever. You can take him seriously, because he used his own system to drop 40 pounds…and keep it off ever since (that’s almost 7 years). Read all about it here:

<a href=” [yourAffiliateLink] “>

You CAN release the thin version of you. If you’re tired of the diet yo-yo, pick up Dr. Alan’s Get Thin For Life System now. Why not lose weight…instead of time? Do it NOW.



P.S. Just for visiting his site, Dr. Alan will give you a free report that gives you the unvarnished weight loss truth. It’ll shock you, {firstname}. Here’s the link again:

<a href=” [yourAffiliateLink] “>

The format of that link is important in plaintext emails, and make sure you include the link twice. If you’re sending HTML emails, you can go with the pretty link, of course. I recommend you mask your affiliate link (as most experienced online marketers do), because it’s more effective at bringing in sales.

In 2-3 days after you send that first email, follow it up with something like this:

Hi again, {firstname}.

Do you remember me telling you about Dr. Alan Jenks’s Get Thin For Life System?

If you haven’t picked it up yet, you ought to. Let me tell you, this system isn’t like anything else you’ve seen. You download 100% of it in seconds. Dr. Al doesn’t waste your time or money on glossy marketing, or fancy “weight loss” products.

Instead, you get purely practical advice on how real people can drop pounds quickly, and (most important) keep them off forever. This isn’t a “diet”. It’s not a fad. It’s no gimmick. It’s just the truth, probably like you’ve never heard it before.

So if you haven’t taken a look yet, {firstname}, go here NOW:

<a href=” [yourAffiliateLink] “>


P.S. By the way, that free report he gives you for visiting is pretty amazing. It’s like having a doctor talk to you in language you can understand for once! At least pick that up, {firstname}:

<a href=” [yourAffiliateLink] “>

Get Thin For Life Fit BundleAnd if you’d like to use an image in an HTML newsletter, or on your website (the more prominently placed, the better), you can use the one to the left of this paragraph. It’s attractive, and shows all of the eBooks in the system.

Remember, though, that’s just the start of the profit you can generate. I’ve also created a high-value upsell for this product. People will love it. It’s a set of helpful eBooks I wrote, plus a weight loss workbook that complements the system. Every buyer gets the upsell offer. That can mean more money in your pocket on every sale, bringing your total commission up to $37 $61 for the next 30 days.

This is a great opportunity to give your subscribers something they’ll love, at a great price (it’ll be going up soon). You can feel confident recommending it. And make some good money at the same time!

Here’s to your online success!